Wellbeing support

Getting wellbeing help - If you need emergency support, call 000 immediately

Step 1

If you are feeling worried, anxious sad or upset, contact:
1. Your parents or carers
2. Your family emergency contact, such as a grandparent

Step 2

If you do not need immediate medical attention but require wellbeing support and the trusted adults at home are not available,
please access these online or telephone services:

Kidshelpline – a private, free and confidential phone/web counseling and support service for children,
adolescents and young adults … about anything! 1800 55 1800

Headspace – for young people who need advice, guidance or support with mental health related concerns.
They have specific advice for stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Step 3

Contact your Home Group teacher, Year Level Coordinator or sub-school Leader if you need help on any issue.

Step 4

If you need further wellbeing help or advice, contact:

BSC Wellbeing Coordinator Sarah Rogers

Sarah and the Wellbeing Team can help you access the support you need while not at school.

Additional Resources

Student Wellbeing Hub
Resources to build safe, inclusive and connected school communities

Student Wellbeing Hub
Resources to build safe, inclusive and connected school communities